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It is likely that by finding my site either you or a loved one are currently navigating some of life's challenges. Reaching out for help can often be the hardest step. While I am not currently taking on new clients I would like to reassure you that there is support available to you in the next part of your journey.


On this site, you can find a list of useful agencies and supportive organisations on the Useful Links page. You can also search for an accredited therapist in your local area from the homepage of

If you still need some assistance in finding a suitable referral, then please email me using the details on the Contact Me page of this site and I will do what I can to help.


I wish you well in your onwards journey.



BSc, BA, Dip. Couns, MIACP

Confidential Counselling and Psychotherapy in Cork  

© 2019 by Kate Roberts. Proudly created with

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